Singing Guide: The Chainsmokers & Illenium feat. Lennon Stella

Singing Guide: The Chainsmokers & Illenium feat. Lennon Stella

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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Learning to Sing Like Lennon Stella: Tips, Techniques and Practice Advice

Lennon Stella is one of the most accomplished young singers and songwriters in the industry today. With a powerful, soulful voice and a talent for lyrics, she has made a name for herself across a range of genres. If you're a fan of her music, or you're just looking to learn how to sing like her, then this article is for you!

First, it's important to note that every singer has their own unique style and sound. While you can certainly learn techniques to help you improve your singing, it's ultimately up to you to develop your own voice. With that said, here are some tips and techniques to help you get started:

  1. Warm up: Before you start singing, it's essential to warm up your voice. This will help you avoid strain and injury. Singing exercises can be found on our Warm-up/Practice-starter playlist, but remember not to push too hard.
  2. Find your vocal range: Knowing your vocal range will help you identify which songs are within your range and which are not. Take our Vocal range test to determine your range.
  3. Listen to Lennon Stella: Immerse yourself in her music and listen to her sing. Pay attention to her techniques, style, and sound. This will help you get a sense of the type of singer she is and how you can adopt some of her skills.
  4. Practice breathing: Good breathing technique is essential for developing your voice, and it requires continuous attention. Review these at our Breathing basics article.
  5. Experiment with twang: Twang is used by many contemporary singers, including Lennon Stella, to add more clarity and brightness to their sound. Here is an exercise video on how to Twang your vocal resonance.
  6. Work on your vibrato: Vibrato is the natural wavering of the pitch of your voice produced by alternating lightness and tension in your vocal cords. Practice our Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce exercise.
  7. Master chest voice: Chest voice is what you naturally use when you speak. Developing chest voice skills can help you add power to your voice while singing and make it sound deeper and richer. Here is a video on how to Master Chest Voice Explained.
  8. Train your voice registers: Voice registers refer to the different parts of your vocal range. Understanding and training your voice registers can help you develop a more balanced and versatile voice. Here is a video on Voice Registers & Vocal Breaks Explanation that is a must-watch.
  9. Focus on vocal grit: Lennon Stella has a distinctive gritty quality to her voice, especially when she belting. Learn how and when to add "dirty" or gritty sound to your voice without straining it. Check out our Heavy Modal, Twang and Belting article.
  10. Practice, practice, practice: Consistent, deliberate practice is the key to becoming a great singer. Sing along to one of Lennon Stella's songs, and work on incorporating some of her techniques into your singing. We also recommend Pitch Training with educational singing game that can help you to train, monitor and enhance your pitch.

In conclusion, learning to sing like Lennon Stella is a journey that will take time and effort. But with dedication, perseverance and help from our Singing Carrots resources, you can learn to sing like her or even create your own outstanding style and original sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.